This imaginative and surreal painting was inspired by the painter’s time in Bolivia and carries with it a powerful environmental message.
The dominance of shades of grey, employed in the depiction of heavy clouds and thick smoke, convey a sinister and suffocating feeling.
Read MoreThe dominance of shades of grey, employed in the depiction of heavy clouds and thick smoke, convey a sinister and suffocating feeling.
An organic, mystical world unfolds before your eyes in this painting, welcoming you to explore and discover its secrets.
This lush, colourful, and welcoming innerscape beckons you to wander through it, with only your imagination to guide you around these surreal and dreamy coral-like formations.
Read MoreThis lush, colourful, and welcoming innerscape beckons you to wander through it, with only your imagination to guide you around these surreal and dreamy coral-like formations.
In this epic allegorical triptych painting, we see ancient mythological symbolism recreated with a contemporary message for our world today.
We have a hunger for power and will resort to great violence to keep it and obtain more.
Read MoreWe have a hunger for power and will resort to great violence to keep it and obtain more.
This serene and dreamy painting brings us to the far edge of the living world, to a sacred place where the gods find sanctuary and retirement.
This is their refuge from life and their eternal duties; a mystical place of isolation from us and one with almost absolute silence.
Read MoreThis is their refuge from life and their eternal duties; a mystical place of isolation from us and one with almost absolute silence.
The sky is filled with thick plumes of toxic, black smoke and intense, red-hot flames burn across oil wells in this tragic and frightening painting.
As you stare into this fiery scene, it feels so suffocating and stifling, and the threat of being consumed is overpowering.
Read MoreAs you stare into this fiery scene, it feels so suffocating and stifling, and the threat of being consumed is overpowering.
Reminiscent of a Hieronymus Bosch piece, this monumental painting is a street scene of delights containing an allegory about our contemporary lifestyle.
With the use of fantastical symbolism and vibrant colours and a seamless blend of imagination and reality, we see ourselves without any mask of idealization.
READ MOREWith the use of fantastical symbolism and vibrant colours and a seamless blend of imagination and reality, we see ourselves without any mask of idealization.
Here in this Northern Mexico desert landscape, a sacred place of the Huichol natives, we see a contemporary Eve with a hyena.
This symbolically charged painting, largely executed in fiery, organic, warm shades of brown and orange, offers us a mirror to ourselves through irony.
READ MOREThis symbolically charged painting, largely executed in fiery, organic, warm shades of brown and orange, offers us a mirror to ourselves through irony.
Imagine, 2000 years into the future, an explorer is walking through the remains of an ancient lost city.
Amongst the vines and overgrown trees, there are tall concrete and steel buildings that are crumbling and rusted.
Read MoreAmongst the vines and overgrown trees, there are tall concrete and steel buildings that are crumbling and rusted.
Just like the painting Greenpoint, Brooklyn, this dreamy and lush depiction of 5th Avenue in New York City is a vision of the future and all about nature’s tendency to reclaim the remnants of fallen civilizations.
The temples and cities of the ancient Egyptians, Greek, Romans, and Andean people have become part of the natural landscape as they crumble and crack.
Read MoreThe temples and cities of the ancient Egyptians, Greek, Romans, and Andean people have become part of the natural landscape as they crumble and crack.
The Mouth Of The Sacred House I
The title of this mystical and dreamy painting is a symbolic reference to the cave, and to the desert.
These are places for deep reflection and to reconnect with nature, it is a time for leaving the material body behind and setting the spirit free. It is also a journey that cleanses you.
Read MoreThese are places for deep reflection and to reconnect with nature, it is a time for leaving the material body behind and setting the spirit free. It is also a journey that cleanses you.
Majestic mountains are a spiritual symbol of strength and perseverance that inspire us to climb higher and higher to reach the sky.
But just as we seek to elevate ourselves, we also sink ourselves deep into the ground for less noble reasons, like greed...
Read MoreBut just as we seek to elevate ourselves, we also sink ourselves deep into the ground for less noble reasons, like greed...
The name given to this magical and monumental landscape painting comes from the Greek word kurios, which is translated as ‘lord’ or ‘master.’
A mountain is a natural lord or master of the earth, it reaches into the sky and the spiritual world above
Read MoreA mountain is a natural lord or master of the earth, it reaches into the sky and the spiritual world above
The Mouth Of The Sacred House II
In this mystical and surreal painting, we are transported to Acatenango, a stratovolcano in Guatemala.
This piece, in title and content, makes reference to the underworld of the Mayan mythology: known as ‘Xibalba’ it is the lowest of the nine underworlds and is the realm of the dead
Read MoreThis piece, in title and content, makes reference to the underworld of the Mayan mythology: known as ‘Xibalba’ it is the lowest of the nine underworlds and is the realm of the dead
What does it mean to awaken? This brilliantly coloured depiction of a Mayan mask speaks to the experience of the painter.
Several trips to Mexico and Central America have stirred his imagination and inspired him to go deeper and deeper into the traditions of the ancient Mayan and other Pre-Hispanic civilizations there
Read MoreSeveral trips to Mexico and Central America have stirred his imagination and inspired him to go deeper and deeper into the traditions of the ancient Mayan and other Pre-Hispanic civilizations there
This mystical and dreamy innerscape painting depicts the arduous but empowering journey from darkness into light.
With its emotionally charged use of shadow and highlight in a breathtaking scene of mountains, forest, and clouds, this piece gives us a profound sense of passage
Read MoreWith its emotionally charged use of shadow and highlight in a breathtaking scene of mountains, forest, and clouds, this piece gives us a profound sense of passage
Based on the ancient Babylonian creation myth Enuma Elish, this series of paintings takes us into the deepest primordial waters where the primitive gods were born and dwell.
This epic tale told on tablets takes place in the swirling waters of the first gods Apsu and Tiamat, the former representing freshwaters and the latter salt oceans
Read MoreThis epic tale told on tablets takes place in the swirling waters of the first gods Apsu and Tiamat, the former representing freshwaters and the latter salt oceans
An incredibly magical and Lovecraft-inspired landscape that is alive with great elemental gods. This ethereal painting is symbolic of transformation: it overflows with entities that are in synthesis with one another, and the line between them is quite blurred.
Read MoreDHO HNA WEB Series
This series of eerie and mystical paintings are inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. The Dho-Hna Formula is a magic spell found in both the Dunwich Horror and the Necronomicon.
It is an incantation that is part of the Cthulhu mythology, it opens the gate and summons the cosmic entity and great old god, Yog-Sothoth
Read MoreIt is an incantation that is part of the Cthulhu mythology, it opens the gate and summons the cosmic entity and great old god, Yog-Sothoth