Memory by jean pronovost
This serene and dreamy painting brings us to the far edge of the living world, to a sacred place where the gods find sanctuary and retirement. This is their refuge from life and their eternal duties; a mystical place of isolation from us and one with almost absolute silence. The sunset sky, the sea, and the rocks are full of life, and everything here feels pacifying for the soul. This mystical and monumental innerscape creates a feeling of utter tranquility for the mind and spirit: the sunset streaks the sky and clouds with shades of gold and orange, and the brilliant blue sea makes only gentle waves. There is only peace in this out of time ethereal place – to be at one with nature and yourself in contemplation, and to reflect and get in touch with the old ways.
The weathered rocks of the cliffs slowly give way to the depths of the water below. Just ahead, barely perceptible through the mist, is a path to a magnificent primordial temple built for the gods out of a large rock. The primitive and simplistic design conveys that it was constructed when only gods existed. The massive door hints at the scale of the interior and the magnitude of the inhabitants who come here to rest and possibly sleep for eternity. It is a powerful, archaic temple that is filled with vibrant energy, one that inspires and refuels the gods who enter its inner sanctum. It is here that creation and the renewal of nature takes place, and hence, this refuge at the world’s end is where life can begin again