MONT KATHARSIS by jean pronovost
An organic, mystical world unfolds before your eyes in this painting, welcoming you to explore and discover its secrets. This lush, colourful, and welcoming innerscape beckons you to wander through it, with only your imagination to guide you around these surreal and dreamy coral-like formations. Everyone sees and finds something different: for some, it is a spiritual journey deep inside themselves, and for others, it is a moment of getting lost in their imagination. Regardless, it is a surreal and out of this world adventure where finding your way means letting go of rational plans or maps and allowing your mind to wander its own way.
As dawn breaks and light from the sun slowly filters through the clouds, the fog slowly lifts from the crevices revealing the many prospective journeys and pathways open for adventure. In the countless trails revealed, and we can almost imagine what strange creatures could emerge to greet us. The rocks are a vibrant array of colours: from shades of blues and turquoise to oranges and browns, and as the light hits them, they become a lavish spectacle. Some of the mountains in the background are a brilliant green, a dramatic contrast in texture and colour to the rock formations. This place is energizing; it inspires our creativity.
This landscape is an incredible mix of the surreal and the real; it stimulates the senses as much as the imagination. This fantastical world is overflowing with possibilities; it’s a living, dreamy labyrinth of passages, caves, and hills to navigate and experience. All you need to do is put your imagination in the driver’s seat and come for a ride – where will it take you?