jean pronovost sculpteur

By an initiative proposed by the artist-painter and sculptor Jean Pronovost and an experienced team in cinema, a colossal and controversial sculptural work by its mythological theme was exposed at the corner of McGill College and Ste-Catherine streets for a period of three hours, between 5 pm and 8 pm, May 1, 2007.

This performance involving a sculpture of 8 feet height was intended to propel the art out of museums and to present it to the people of the street without warning or protocol, in order to react the population to the art which, placed out of context, will contrast unequivocally with concrete architecture and people often jaded from work.

This premiere was also intended to promote the ILLUMINATION exhibition that was presented at the new underground gallery Usine 106U, located at 111 Roy E. The opening took place on the evening of May 3, from 5 pm to 11 pm where were exhibited the sculpture The Lord and the Lady of Duality, in addition to two large format paintings and works from a group of artists gathering more than twenty-two painters and sculptors

Sculptor, Muralist, painter, artist and airbrush specialist.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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